Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Re-writing contracts - Priceless!

All the big boys from AIG to Detroit are bleating in unified agony that the socialist Obama is exerting too much control over their respective fiefdoms. Re-writing one contract after another, they warn that this kind of oversight and responsibility will surely doom America.
And they know a lot about dooming America.
They're the ones who, at will, unilaterally change the terms of your credit card agreement.
Call your mortgage due if they feel your home isnt kept up appropriately or is worth less than the market could sustain.
Tell you that the problem with your car isnt covered under that bumper to bumper warranty you paid extra for.
Refuse to pay your medical costs because it throws off their actuarials.
Tap into YOUR pension to pay for THEIR private jets.

Yeah, these titans of knowing and doing what's good for America are in one exemplary position to be crying foul.

The Divine Right of Kings died in 1215.

Kinda gives ya half a stalk don't it?


  1. And Doug Wright agreed with them..."Do we really want to start letting the government manage private companies?" Ya! if they can't manage themselves well enough to stay out of our collective pockets.

    My company cow tows to every government whim to come down the pike...but we run on Federal Funds. Governemnt money...Govenment rules.

    Whoever pays your bill and signs your paycheck gets to make the rules you work by.

  2. yeah, well, doug wright is wrong - heh heh - you HAD to know that response was floating out there somewhere.
    I guess a further analysis would reveal that those who want govt out of corp board rooms probably support all kinds of welfare reforms for individuals. It is ok, in their inexplicably deluded minds, to run people's PRIVATE lives when you give them money, but not run companies' board rooms when you give them money. Consistency has never really been their strong suit.
