Thursday, April 2, 2009

Picture, if you will...

The queen of anachronism indulged by far too may people..has, on the eve of an economic summit as important as any since Yalta, somehow, beyond the realm of all that is rational in heaven and on earth, decided to give the POTUS, leader not only of the Free World, but leader of all economies in the world (sorry China, you really are nothing more than a bit player) a signed portrait.
How nice for Her.
How nice for Him.
How nice for Everybody!!!

And yet, here at home, the 'loyal opposition', - that is, the republican party and their lapdog pundits, choose to focus on his gift to her - an ipod.

The duly and democratically elected leader of the most technologically advanced and most powerful economy in the world, has chosen to to offer unto an anachronism, an emblematic token of both the 21st century and of the ingenuity of 'American can doism'.
And for this, he is chided.
And for her arrogance, she is lauded.
And for all of this, I offer, FUCK YOU!
Not since the Beatles offered a sing-song approach to world affairs has the British Empire been relevant. And yet, for some strange and inexplicable reason, an anachronism from an empire long since past its due date, somehow believes that an autographed picture of herself, should be received with the kind of swooning gratitude a groupie would offer their favorite rock star for the same.
Not in this world.
Not in the 2st century.
Not in a world where little tin soldiers no longer line up on a battlefield to be cut down like overgrown grass.
Please refer to an earlier post referrencing 1215!

The ipod-gate is a stark and refreshing reminder not only of WHY Obama won, but of what his winning means.
I'll leave you to think about that, and to comment accordingly.
And in the interim, I suspect your ipod will entertain you far more than a moldy portrait of a moldy anachronism.


  1. Glad I read this. I didn't realize she gave him "anything" at all...just let Michelle touch her...the queen is so gracious. As to the relevance of the UK...your being generous by including the Beetles. I'd have gone back to the mid 1700's when the Utilitarins were thinking up some pretty decent, anti-christian, philosophies. I cant see any real contribution since. OH, I forgot about the time machine from the Victorian era...Oh ya. I stand corrected.

  2. That anonymous was from me...Joni. I haven't figured out how to post comments yet.

  3. Gee werent there more bands than the beatls from england.

    that was not the only thing they picked on but it was the funniest.

  4. alas, something to disagree on......

    ...not that I am simply anti-Obama, rather, this particular escapade, I find the IPOD gift as rather trite and 'cheap'. If I were to have my own choice of gifts from someone of importance, I would prefer something of a personal artifact. Maybe I am too sentimental. I can go a couple thousand yards/meters in about any direction and find a Wal-Mart, with the cute little trendy metallic media player, in colors from fuschia to fuck-me pink. And after swiping my Discover card for $147, who can I show it off to? My 12-year-old daughter's foofoo friends? They already have them, with all thier foofoo ear buds.
    Sorry.......I'd rather astound my emotionally retarded friends with a portrait of the QUEEN.
    If nothing else, my friends love to doodle on pictures. Who am I to deny them?

