Tuesday, March 24, 2009

That'd be in the butt Bob

As the noose of depression tightens around our necks everyday, and the media gleefully straps on sandwhich boards heralding “the end is near”, there are occasions that ellicit simultaneous guffaws and reassurance all at once.

Taken from inter-office communications between a sales rep trying to straighten out a billing problem, and our ESL crew in Houston who, not having mastered the language, somehow believes they’ve mastered book-keeping:

We understand the invoices do not match because that is what they explained to us. That is why we contacted you to resolve. We can not resolve any discrepancies. Only you can resolve a discrepancy. This department does not enter ads. That is done through the sales office. It was always believe that we bill in the rears because of the delivery. I’m just as surprised as you are why it was billed early. Any idea who did that? "

Yes, you read that right. Darien, among the most capable of account executives, attempting to reconcile her client’s account, was kind enough to share this gem.
And so, if the ESL wizard in accounting has a job, really, are you all that concerned about keeping/finding one yourself??

I mean, I know w’s fuzzy math has had us ALL taking it in the rears for sometime now. But after reading this, the answer to his seminal question ‘is our children being edumacated’ is finally answered once and for all. There are not only school children being left behind, there are entire corporations being left behind. Sadly, they’ll blame everyone but the minimum wage book-keeper who finds accounting to be acceptably a pain in the ass. And they’ll hand them billions. And then they’ll hand them billions more. And when they’ve stashed that in Bimini and Dubai, they’ll hand them billions more.

THAT, however, is fodder for a future rant.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I found you again...Now whats all this business about butts?
