Sunday, April 5, 2009

Buddy can you spare a trillion

I love this. Geithner and Obama have decided to finally call bull on corporate handouts.

By capping exec wages, and ousting corrupt and ineffective ceos, obama has made it crystal clear - dont put your hand out for money unless you really need it -

A number of buisnesses who've witnessed the control Geithner and Obama are exerting on those taking the handouts are re-thinking their 'need for emergency capital'...

The message seems to be getting through. Already, a number of those with their hands stretched out have suddenly realized they don’t really need the money afterall. They’ll get by.

The Chairman at Chase has even said he’ll write a check right now to pay back what was given, with interest, to avoid the strings the Obama Administration is attaching.

Imagine that. Guess Chase didn’t really need those 10s of billions of taxpayer dollars afterall.

Good work Barry!


  1. What an ugly picture. Where do you find this stuff?

  2. seriously, where do you? ive noticed his neck thigh before and wondered what it would be like if he stuck his head out the window on the freeway.
